This is a truly remarkable example of EVP.

What’s even more remarkable is that the ghost called “Meredith”  (3:21 – 3:39) is actually called “Elspeth” – reputedly a 19th Century English “Dame”, called Elspeth Hagbold.

She died under mysterious circumstances sometime mid last century. Researchers think she is still looking to avenge her unsolved murder.

Why she didn’t convey this when she had the chance on this video is unknown. Guess she might have a better idea about how to solve a hundred year old murder mystery!

Legend holds that anyone who hears her voice is destined to be haunted by her spirit. So you’ve been warned …

But chill. If true, this whole discount “The Ring” scenario isn’t working out for the dame. I’ve listened to it twice and she’s yet to materialize through my computer screen and scare me to death.

Not technically a compilation, but I wanted you to see this.

It’s creepy, but I can’t really decide if this is just some kind of sleep paralysis, and all the age-old legends of succubus, etc. means we grab for this as an explanation. Except for the sheet being pulled off him (2:01 – 2:10), I dunno … Comments below.

All the photos in this admittedly creepy video show the ghost or “exowhite” of someone still living who has subsequently identified the spirit as a deceased family member.

Scary stuff indeed!

These types of ghosts won’t let anyone have a good night’s sleep!

They are thought to only be this aggressive around people with powerful psychic abilty, either to contact them or possess them, supposedly with some terrible secret message from what paranormal researchers call the “endovoid” (which is apparently kind of like Limbo).

Scarily, there is a very clear message coming through (7:37  7:44) but I can’t make out what it says. Can you …? Comments appreciated below.

This creepy compliation of different orbs was taken on an estate in Leytonstone, London, England, five years ago, in late 2009.

The occupant of the bedroom, who was at the time a seven-year-old boy, reported feelings of nauesa and headaches just before and after they appeared.

Local paranormal researchers concluded it was likely “spirits” or what they termed “exowhites” trying to cross over, or maybe contact the people in the house, etc.

I don’t know … could just be lens flares. What do you guys think?

A creepy compilation! Keep and eye out for the Mexican entry, “Ghost Girl in Amusement Park” (2:02). I can’t tell, but it seems to be some kind of possession, or what I have heard called “Fearbred spawn” (can’t find a lot on it) – a type of entity that possesses people in order to get them to do evil deeds. They’re hard to spot, except when the host gets sacred or emotional, as here, and this reaction threatens to expel the entity from the host body.

The rest, as far as I can tell, appear to be exowhites/exodarks doing what they do best, such as Portugal’s “Ghost Cam Ghost” (3:65) being mischievious and Colombia’s weirdly floating “Parking Ghost” (4:14 – 4:16) avoiding parking charges!

Watch with the lights on!

This compilation shows clips from around the world: the “Dubai Angel”; the Philippines (real creepy!); Mexico; Bolivia; USA (3:31 – 3:42 is pretty creepy too!); Bulgaria; China; Italy’s “Ghost Boy” (if you pause at 5:23 you can make out the face!); Paraguay; Canada (weird and creepy!); Chile (pretty freaking terrifying!).

You be the judge …

I can’t be sure if they’re all genuine but many of the clips do seem to show some kind of “exowhite” (in other words, a typical booing and whooing “ghost” or “spirit” – if that isn’t scary enough!) that has crossed over to our dimension.

Clips #5 and #4 are probably exowhites. In clip #3, there seems to be something in the little girl’s room (she says its her “imaginary” friend – if that isn’t creepy enough!). In clip #2, it’s probably also an exowhite. Clip #1 seems to show evidence of paranormal phenomena, probably the result of psychic activity (either exowhite/exodark, hard to say) from the other side of the dimensional barrier.

Is this increased activity a result of the spirits desperately trying to communicate something? You decide …